Lab Configuration files


By default, Creo will start with the factory default setting - it will model in inches for example, as with most organisations we customise the installation to suit our needs. 


For Creo to look and operate the same as the lab PCs you will need a set of configurations files which are run when Creo starts up.


Log onto a lab machine in LDS003, DO NOT start up Creo


The Working Directory is what we call the folder where the configuration files are placed.  In LDS003 this is:   C:\ProgramData\PTC


There is a link to this folder on TeachDoc – ‘LDS003 Creo Working Directory’


Take a copy of this folder and its contents


Copy the folder onto the hard drive of your PC – it needs to have the address as above


On your computer, Right click > Properties on the start icon for Creo


Change the Start In folder to the Working Directory address  - now Creo will use these configuration files on start up.


If you start the software from different shortcut icons then all icons need to be changed