2-year project with Mick Finlay, Surrey Awarded "Outstanding" grade, October 2007
Antaki, C, Young, N and Finlay, M. (2002) Shaping Clients' Answers: Departures from
Neutrality in Care Staff Interviews with People with a Learning Disability.
Disability and Society , 17, 435-455
Antaki, C, Finlay, W.M.L., Jingree, T and Walton, C. (2007) "The staff are your friends": conflicts between institutional discourse and practice. British Journal of Social Psychology, 46, 1-18.
Antaki, C, Finlay, M, Walton, C. (2007) How proposing an activity to a person with an intellectual disability can imply a limited identity. Discourse and Society, 18, 315-332.
Antaki, C, Finlay, WML, Walton, C. (2007) Conversational shaping: staff-members' solicitation of talk from people with an intellectual impairment. Qualitative Heath Research, 17, 1403-414
Finlay, W M L, Antaki, C, Walton, C. (2008) On not being noticed: learning disabilities and the non-vocal register. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 45, 227-245.
Finlay, W M L, Antaki, C. and Walton, C. (2008) Saying no to the staff - an analysis of refusals in a home for people with severe communication difficulties. Sociology of Health and Illness, 30, 55-75.
Finlay, WML, Walton, C and Antaki, C (2008) Promoting choice and control in residential services for people with learning disabilities. Disability and Society,, 23, 349-360.
Finlay, WML, Antaki, C. , Walton, C and Stribling, P. (2008) The dilemma for staff in "playing a game" with people with a profound intellectual disability. Sociology of Health and Illness,, 30, 531-549.
Antaki, C. , Finlay, WML, Walton, C and Pate, L. (2008) Offering choice to people with an intellectual impairment: an interactional study. Journal of Intellectual Disability research, 52, 1165-1175.
Finlay, WML, Antaki, C. and Walton, C. (2008) A Manifesto for the Use of Video in Service Improvement and Staff Development in Services for People with Intellectual Disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disability, 36, 227-231