1-year project with Ivan Leudar, Manchester
Awarded "Outstanding" grade, June 2004
Antaki, C, Leudar, I and
Barnes, R (2005) Diagnostic Formulations in Psychotherapy. Discourse Studies, 7 pp 627-647
Antaki C. (2007) Mental-health practitioners' use of idiomatic expressions in summarising clients' accounts. Journal of Pragmatics, 39, 527-541
Antaki, C., Leudar, I. and Barnes, R., (2007) Members' and Analysts' Analytic Categories: Researching Psychotherapy. In A. Hepburn & S. Wiggins, (eds) Discursive Research in Practice, Cambridge: CUP
Peräkylä, A., Antaki C., Vehviläinen, S. and Leudar, I (eds) (2008) Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy, Cambridge University Press MORE PUBLICATIONS |