Topic outline
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Masks MUST be worn in communal areas
Masks should be worn on occasions where 2m distancing may not be possible or in exceptional circumstances when additional persons may need to enter an area.
Resuming Research in the CBE during the COVID-19 Pandemic
In order for research to resume in the CBE certain procedures and guidelines have been put in place to ensure the CBE is COVID-19 secure for all those returning.
These procedures and restrictions have been put in place for everyone's safety. Everyone has a role to play in ensuring our work environment is as safe by complying with the procedures.
BEFORE Returning to use the CBE facility:
I)You must read the CBE COVID-19 Risk Assessments and review form (see attached in this section ) .One for the use of the labs and one for the use of the office/kitchen. You must inform myself and Kul you have done this by E-mail and sign a register to say you have read these on your first day back. The Register(s) will placed on the desk as you walk into the CBE office(s)
ii)You must read the University Social Distancing Guidance ( COVID-19) /watch the power point on LEARN. You must tick to agree you have read it.
iv)Lab coats have been cleaned. A clean one can be obtained from Kul or Jen once the required reading has been done. Please ensure you provide notice of when you intend to return.
iv)Download the new POWER APP for lone working. See attached instructions in this section.
v)Complete the login/out attendance sheet every time you come in and before you leave . The sheets will be just inside the entrance to both offices.
vi)Familiarise yourself with the guidance and support offered by the University as you return to work and seek out support for good wellbeing where and when you need it.
- LU Wellbeing app for both staff and students, based on the NHS’s five steps to mental wellbeing initiative. The app provides access to techniques, such as mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) that can help you to make positive changes to your lifestyle, as well as guidance through podcasts and articles.
Staff Wellbeing website, and the University’s Health and Wellbeing blog.
CBE Social Distancing and hygiene Procedures Summary
I)One person at a time in the kitchen area. Wash hands before using the kitchen area and wash up and take away/store cups/plates to avoid accumulation of items in shared area.
ii)Knock and call system for using the toilet. Usual good hygiene procedures apply
iii)Keep your social distance of 2m from others at ALL times. Tape has been placed in all areas to remind you of this. This includes waiting for the photocopier/waiting to use the kitchen.
iv)The corridors do not allow for 2m distancing so use passing points and back up when required.
v)You should still be working from home when you can and save writing up/E-mails until you get home to reduce numbers in the office. However, it is understood working in the office may be required between experiments but please ensure you indicate this on the booking form.
vi)Wash your hands when you arrive at work and before you leave. This should be following the government guidelines of minimum 20 seconds with soap and water. Hand gel is also available by the entrance to both offices.
vii)Door handles and other shared surfaces will be cleaned down each day.
viii) A one way system is in place in H34. Please observe this.
ix)Use other methods for meetings rather than face to face
x)Good laboratory practice procedures for lab cleanliness must be adhered too. Remember the use of gloves and spraying gloves with 70% IMS in the first change.
xi)Some laboratory areas will not have been used for some time. A thorough clean of benches and equipment will be required.
xii)Areas will need to be cleaned down before and after use and between each user but this is general practice for CBE users anyway.
xiii) Wearing face masks is not expected but if you wish to wear one you can. You may want to consider this if you are unable to keep the 2m social distancing in rare occasions for certain tasks. For more information on face masks please see the following link.
First Aiders and Fire MarshallsEven though there will be limits on numbers within the CBE we have considered carefully about availability of Fire Aiders and Fire Marshalls to support the area. CBE is in a fortunate position that we have sufficient numbers of each who will be available to fulfil this duty for the majority of the time.
CBE First Aiders - Jen, Katie, Sammy and Jon
CBE Fire Marshalls - Carolyn, Kul, Jen and Jon.
However, due to the circumstances we find ourselves in there may a rare time when one of the CBE First Aiders and Fire Marshalls are not available. In order to overcome this we have obtained the contact details of First Aiders and Fire Marshalls in a neighbouring area to the CBE .( CREST). There contact details can be found below.
First Aiders ( CREST)
Martin Bliss 635327
Rachel Greenhalgh 635323
Farwah Bukhari 635367
Fire Marshalls ( CREST)
Kevin Bass 635315
Gianfranco Claudio 635316
Chrispin Gogoda 635325
Liam Welch 635355
Restrictions on people in the facility
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the CBE numbers in the facility at any one time need to be limited. There are restrictions for numbers in each lab and the offices.
Capacity Restrictions ( at any one time) ( 2m social distancing applies in all areas )H21/H22 - Max 2 peopleH23 - Max 2 peopleH25 - Max 2 peopleH27 - Max 2 peopleH29 - Max 1 personH34 - Max 2 peopleH30 - Max 1 personAutoclave room - Max 1Store room - Max 1Bulk Store - Max 2CTMF - Max 2First Change - ideally one but max 2.T208b - Max 2Offices GH - Max 8Offices GG - Max 5Offices
Social distancing must be observed. Seating should be one person in a cluster of four desks. If this is not possible people should spread out as much as possible .You should not be sitting opposite each other. Side by side may be permitted if 2m apart. In order to achieve this people may be asked to move desks or arrange attendance in the office accordingly with others.
Booking SystemIn order for us to manage the restrictions on numbers and provide a safer working environment for everyone a booking system to use the CBE/T208b will be in place. This gives everyone the same opportunities and enables as many researchers to return as possible but in a safe way. Requests to use the facility must come to myself and Kul via E-mail.
- All Bookings must come to myself and Kul via E-mail. Please use booking template ( see booking section).
- All approved bookings will receive an approved receipt E-mail back
- Liaise with those who you share the area with before booking slots to avoid clashes.
- Any 'over-subscription' will be raised with the individuals involved to negotiate and resolve.
- You need to book slots in a lab, H34 ( if analytical time required) and the office.
- It is appreciated that time in the office will be needed between stages of experiments.
- You will need to specify time slots when booking ( see example form on CBE LEARN page)
- Plan ahead
- It is appreciated that the type of work conducted is unpredictable and booking slots challenging but for us to manage the return of staff safely a booking system is required. Communication will be key with those who share the area.
- All Bookings will be inputted by myself and Kul into the booking form. ( see below for example of booking form)
- The booking form can be viewed in the CBE-QUAL workspace ( READ ONLY).
- The booking form will be updated regularly to show availability.
When our tasks don't fit with the restricted numbers in labs
We appreciate there will be instances where the restrictions on people in a lab at any one time will cause an issue for something we may want/need to do. In these cases we have to use common sense and pragmatism while keeping safety as a priority.
I) You need to use a piece of equipment in a lab where 2 other people are already working. If you require to use the equipment for a long period of time you would need to book time in this area and liaise with people using this area. For shorter uses of equipment you again would need to liaise with those already using the area to find out a time they may be able to 'step-out' while you 'step in'. If you need to simply collect water from the water purifier there is no need to book but you would ideally do this when no-one else was in this room or come back at a time when there is space. Communication/help with your task with those who are using the area at the time may allow you complete your task at the time as long as 2m social distancing is adhered to.
ii)There are safety requirements where 2 people are needed for certain tasks e.g Liquid Nitrogen top up/use of cryostores . This can be done with the 2m social distancing with one person inside the room and one out as long as the person observing has full view.
iii)If there is a requirement for more than the stated number to be in an area for an extended period/certain experiment then a specific risk assessment would need to be written for this identifying how the social distancing rules would still be adhered to.
First Aider COVID-19 Guidance from Health and Safety Office
Please ensure that your departmental first aid kits are stocked with the correct PPE, to ensure the safety of the first aider and the person being treated.
Most importantly:· PPE required for: CPR
Call 999 immediately – tell the call handler if the patient has any COVID-19 symptoms
Ask for help. If a portable defibrillator is available, ask for it
Before starting CPR, to minimise transmission risk, use a cloth or towel to cover the patient’s mouth and nose, while still permitting breathing to restart following successful resuscitation
and if available, use:
a fluid-repellent surgical mask
disposable gloves
eye protection
an apron or other suitable coverings.
Only deliver CPR by chest compressions and use a defibrillator (if available) – do not do rescue breathsAfter delivering any first aid
Ensure you safely discard of disposable items (in sealed bags) and clean reusable ones thoroughly.
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitiser as soon as possible.It is the department’s responsibility to ensure that all University first aid kits are properly equipped; and as people start to return to work it is vital that these items are purchased promptly