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Centre for Biological Engineering
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Module Noticeboard
Gas Cylinder Training
Centre for Biological Engineering
Campus Map
CBE Contacts List
Material Transfer Agreements
CBE First Aiders and Fire Marshalls
Mental Health First Aiders
CBE Asset Register
CBE Leavers Checklist
CBE New Starter Checklist
CBE Deep Clean Procedures
CBE Alarms and Response Procedure
Occupational Health
CBE Equipment Asset List and Maintenance Record sheets ( updated September 2020)
CBE TEAM Meeting Minutes
CBE Standard Operating Procedures
CBE BRA 167 FishOils as antimicrobials agaist the bacteria types often found present in diabetic foot ulcers
CBE BRA 169 Defining confidence in flow cytometry automated data analysis software platforms in the context of manufacturing process control
CBE 157 Process Development and Expansion Human Embryonic stem cell H9 and RC17_J.Kusena
CBE BRA 171 _Bridie Catchpole
CBE BRA 172 Growth of C2C12 cells _J.Bowdrey
CBE BRA 173 West Pharmaceuticals Ltd 2019 T cell_ J.Harriman
CBE BRA 174 Detecting Bacterial Strains in Synthetic urine
CBE BRA 176 Dissection Porcine
CBE BRA 178 Manufacturing of Corneal Tissue_K.Morris
CBE BRA 179 The effect of 3D porous printed structure_N.Zhen
CBE BRA 180 CHME-5 Cell Expansion_A.Stolzing
CBE BRA 181 Bio artifical kidney AlexEnglezakis
CBE BRA 183 Investigating rapid early detection of delayed onset apoptosis_N.Joglekar
CBE BRA GMO 130 Bioartifical Kidney MDR1 Gene _A.Englezakis
CBE BRA GMO 130 Bioartifical Kidney MDR1 Transporter_A.Englezakis
CBE BRA 184 Cytolysis Assay PANC-1, A549_J.Harriman
CBE BRA 160 Storage for Dermal Fibroblasts
CBE BRA 185 Use of Growdex to encapsulate cells)_L.Barrett
BRA 161 Storage of Primary Epidermal Keratinocytes
CBE BRA 162_ Harry Finch
CBE BRA 148 Spatial Scaffold Properties_J.Schmidt
CBE BRA GMO PBG-01 iPSC Megakaryocytes
CBE BRA 186 3D printed scaffolds_H.Bell
CBE BRA 187 Tackling Obesity by creating knowledge based on food reformulation_R.Harastani
Biological Risk Assessment Review Forms
CBE BRA 188 Synthetic Spike S1 Glycoprotein detection by Elisa_ P.Kavari
CBE 189_ An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) assay using molecular probes for the detection of spiked X-ray inactivated virus particles in healthy human saliva samplesP.Kavari
CBE BRA 190 Culture of HUVECs for use in medical device endothelialisation_R.Toumpaniari
CBE BRA 191 Culture of human cord blood endothelial cells (CBECs) and their use for medical device endothelialisation_R.Toumpaniari
CBE BRA 192 Culture of human pulmonary microvascular endothelial (HPMEC ST1.6R) and their use for medical device endothelialisation_R.Toumpaniari
CBE BRA 193 Study on enzyme based biofilm degradation in microplate substrate and detection of biofilm released planktonic bacteria using fluorescence aptamer probe. _P.Kavari,A.Lawrence
CBE BRA 194 Detection of spiked concentration of bacteria in buffer and artificial urine using Anharmonic Detection Technique (ADT) method. _J.Nasterski
CBE BRA 195 Detection of spiked concentration of bacteria in biological urine or artificial urine medium using Aptamer based Fluorescence assay, Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) and Anharmonic Detection Technique (ADT) method.
CBE BRA 197 Murine cell line L929
CBE BRA 198 Ordering primary CD4+ T cells and co-culturing with MSCs or culturing T cells in MSC conditioned medium (CM-MSC)
CBE BRA 199 Proof of concept for separating young from old cells ( Senescence) _A.Englezakis
CBE BRA 200 Use of endothelial cells derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells for tissue engineering applications
BRA 201 Proof of concept for separation of young old (senescent) cells - improving efficacy and safety for clincial use_Oliver Frost
CBE BRA 203 Investigating quality of C2/C12 cell cultures_R.Dring
CBE BRA 202 _J.Dong
CBE BRA 204 Technology transfer and scale up of the differentiation of a human ESC line_GMO_P.Holland
CBE BRA 205 Study of enzyme based biofilm degradation_P.Kavari
Cell culture and Protein Crystallization_H.Zhang_BRA for storage of cells in CBE Cryobanks only**
CBE BRA 206 GMO ( Leah Williams) Investigation of Cellular Response to Photosynthetic Materials Developed for the Purpose of Dressing Wounds.
CBE207Surface carbohydrate analysis of healthy, senescent and apoptotic primary cells DTampakis
CBE BRA 147 _ Scaffolds Hugo Bell
review revision sheet for CBE BRA 147 v2 T.Hardy
review revision sheet for CBE BRA 147 v3 E.Knight
safmeme7689lone working in conjunction with CBE BRA 207
safmeme7730in conjunction with CBE BRA 147
review revision sheet for CBE BRA 176 Abbie Stewart
COSHH CBE 293 Polyethylenimine
COSHH CBE 301 XYLENE_R.Toumpaniari
COSHH CBE 296 DPX_R.Toumpaniari
COSHH CBE 297 Eosin_R.Toumpaniari
COSHH CBE 298 Ethanol _R.Toumpaniari
COSHH CBE 299 Glacial Acetic Acid_R.Toumpaniari
COSHH CBE 300 Hematoxylin Mayer's _ R.Toumpaniari
COSHH CBE 305-307 Decellularisation of Porcine Corneas_K.Morris
COSHH CBE 308-313 Decullularisation of Porcine Corneas method_K.Morris
COSHH CBE 318 Gel Electrop AlexEnglezakis
CBE COSHH 326-328_Fish Oils as antimicrobials ( crystal Violet)_J.Davis
Cefaclour COSHH_J.Davis
COSHH ATP Assay Kit_J.Davis
COSHH 281 Apoptosis_D.Tampakis
COSHH Fyrite
COSHH Risk Assessment Review Forms
MEME 536 Liquid Nitrogen
MEME538 Co2, Nitrogen and Oxygen Cylinders
MEME540 Transport of Liquid Nitrogen
CBE331MEME541Top up of LN2 from pressurised dewars
COSHH CBE 336 MEME 656 Virkon
COSHH CBE 334 MEME 654 Chemgene
COSHH 337 Aqua Stabil ( Julabo) water bath cleaner
CBE 339 COSHH Glutaraldehyde_H.Bell
CBE 340/341 MEME 700/701 4% Formaldehyde and Formalin _R.Toumpaniari
CBE 342 MEME 697 Amyalse _R.Toumpaniari
CBE 343-345 MEME 695/698/699 Glutaraldehyde/Paraformaldehyde/Sodium Hydroxide_R.Toumpaniari
CBE 346 - 351 MEME 690 - 696 Vancomycin hydrochloride, Gentamicin Sulfate, Ethylenacetic acid, Sodium dodeyl sulfate, Triton x 100, hydrochloric acid_R.Toumpaniari
CBE 352 MEME 734-740 Caspase Assay_N.Joglekar
CBE 353 MEME 741 - 748 Annexin assay _N.Joglekar
CBE 354 SAF/MEME/764 Hydrogen Peroxide
CBE 355 SAFMEME 765 Copper Sulphate ( Heracell Incubators)
CBE 356 SAFMEME 766-769 Solution 13 ( Nucleocounter)
CBE 357 MEME 770- 775 Using GrowDex beads as microcarriers for HEK293 cells_L.Barrett
CBE COSHH 358 SAF/MEME790 Stelmax 1961 sealant
CBE 359 SAF/MEME 847 Carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP)_J.Davis
CBE 360 SAF MEME 933 Crystal Violet _P. Kavari
CBE 361 SAFMEME 937 Trypan Blue _N.Joglekar
CBE 362 SAF938-939 DMSO N.Joglekar
CBE 363 COSHH SAF MEME 940-941 Use and Maintenance of the Guava ( ICF fluid and Sodium Hypochlorite)_N.Joglekar
CBE COSHH 364 SAFMEME 982-989 Detecting Treg Cells_N.Joglekar
CBE COSHH 365 SAF MEME 990-992 Mitochondrial assay _N.Joglekar
CBE 367 SAF/MEME/968 DNA and RNA removal ( Deoxyribonuclease )
CBE 368 SAF/MEME/969 Use of DAPI solution
CBE 369 SAF/MEME 970-971 DEhydration, deparaffinization ( Xylene , ethyl alcohol
CBE 371 SAF/MEME/1047 Kaiser's glycerol gelatin for Microscopy_R.Toumpaniari
CBE 371 SAF/MEME/1047 Kaiser's glycerol gelatin for Microscopy_R.Toumpaniari
CBE COSHH 372 SAF/MEME 1113-1116 Decellularisation Protocol 2_R.Toumpaniari
CBE COSHH 373 SAF/MEME/690-692 Decellularisation protocol
CBE 374 SAF MEME 1170-1179 _PCR Experiment_N.Joglekar
COSHH Risk Assessment Form _NOv 2021
CBE 375 SAFMEME 1472-1477 Haemocompatibility of laser-textured stainless steel_J.Dong
CBE 376 SAF MEME 985, 1487 ( Oil Red O, Alazarin Red, Alican Blue)
CBE 377 SAF MEME 1702-1707 _Scale up of Megakarocytes _P.Holland
CBE378saf meme 1730 De-Solv-It® Sticky Stuff Remover aerosol COSHH-CBE-Approved
CBE 379 Glucose monitoring device_Nick Spoor
CBE 380 SAFMEME 1932 Advion Mass Spectrometer _R.Dring
CBE 381 SAF MEME 1931 Doxorubicin_D.Tampakis
CBE 382 SAF MEME 1903 Staurosporine_D.Tampakis
CBE 383 SAF 1985 EDU_Dimitris Tampakis
CBE 384 SAF 7789 ( COSHH 1804) Pen Strep in media_E.Knight
CBE 385 SAF 7755 ( COSHH 2066-2072) RNA extraction & qPCR_E.Knight
CBE 386 SAF MEME 2117-2118 Crystal Violet_O.Frost
CBE 387 SAF MEME 2120 -2124 Primers _O.Frost
CBE 388 SAF MEME 2128 RT Master Mix _O.Frost
CBE 389 SAF MEME 2119 Etoposide _ O.Frost
CBE 390 SAF MEME 2125-2127 RNA kit _O.Frost
CBE 391 SAF MEME 2129-2131 SA-B-GAL _O.Frost
CBE 392 SAF MEME 2132 - 2134 Senolytic_O.Frost
CBE 394 ssaf meme 2077 RA_MS_COSHH_ N. Jemon_.pdf
CBE 395 _Oliver Frost_ DOxorubicin, Bafilomycin, DDAO Gala
CBE 396 SAF MEME 2077 _Testing of Porcine Mitral Valves_R.Rawla ( Part C)
CBE 401 SAFMEME2509-2512 _Ampicillin & Biotin Thiol
COSHH Risk Assessments _ Porcine Dissection _Part C students _S.Korossis
Authorisation to Acquire or Transfer HTA material forms
Acquisition and Receipt of HTA Material Forms
HTA Disposal Forms
HTA Standard Operating Procedures
HTA Policies
HTA Blank Template Forms
Document Change Notes
CBE HTA Checklist
CBE Induction Training Checklist
CBE Safety Induction Training Record
Hepatitis B and Biological Agents Form
Mandatory Reading: CBE Safety Induction Standard Operating Procedures ( SOPS)
CBE Safety Induction Training Presentation
CBE Risk Assessment Training Presentation
CBE Induction Training Quiz 2
CBE Practical Training
Safety Documentation Training
Guidance notes
Training Videos
Code of Practice for Chemical Carcinogens
CBE Code of Practice
SAF/MEME/6088 Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay ( ELISA)
CBE 120 Use of camping gas for flame generation
CBE 133 Gel Electrop AlexEnglezakis
Porcine Dissection
CBE 136 ELisa and Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing_P.Kaveri _Ampicillin and Amoxicillin
CBE 137 ELISA method for LPS fluorescent aptamer probe_P.Kaveri
Atomic Force Micrscopy Process Risk Assessment
Process Risk Assessment Review forms
CBE 140 Application of Ultrasound to mammalian cells SAF/MM6366
SAFMM6397 Risk Assessment for use and Maintenance of 4c Fridges
SAFMM6395 Use and Maintenance of Prestige Benchtop Autoclave
SAFMM6396 Use and Maintenance of -20 Freezers
SAFMM6394 Use and Maintenance of -80 Freezers
SAFMM6405 Risk Assessment :Liquid Nitrogen: delivery and manual refill
SAFMM6400 Use of the Systec DX-90 Autoclave
SAFMM6401 Use of the VX95 Systec Autoclaves
SAFMM6408 Exchange of Gas Cylinders and use of Gas Cylinder change over system
SAFMM6411 Transporting Liquid Nitrogen across Campus
CBE150SAFMM6415 Top up of LN2 using pressurised dewars
CBE/153MM6430Use of Purite Select Analyst water purifier
CBE/154MM6431 Use of Elga Purelab Option S7/15.
SAFMM6399 CBE 155 Use and Maintenance of the Herasafe Biological Safety Cabinets
SAF/MM/6500 CBE 156 Use and Maintenance of Centrifuges Risk Assessment
SAF/MM/6502 CBE 157 Use and Maintenance of Megafuge centrifuge Risk Assessment
SAF/MM/6501 CBE 158 Use and Maintenance of microcentrifuges Risk Assessment
SAF/MM/6503 CBE 159 Use and Maintenance of water baths risk assessment
SAF/MM/6504 CBE 160 Use and Maintenance of Analytical weighing Balances Risk Assessment
SAF/MM/6505 CBE 161 Use and Maintenance of the FASTER Biological Safety Cabinet
CBE 162 Compatability of Tri-based scaffolds using PFA_H.Bell
CBE 163 Compatability of Ti based Scaffolds using Glutaraldehyde_H.Bell
CBE 164 SAF/MEME 6512 Delipidisation and glycosation of porcine tissues_R.Toumpaniari
CBE 166 SAF/MEME 6513 Fixation and dehydration of biological samples for scanning electron microscope imaging_R.Toumpaniari
CBE 167 SAF/MEME 6511 Decellularisation of porcine tissues_R.Toumpaniari
CBE 168 SAF MEME 6530 Caspase Apoptosis Assay_N.Joglekar
CBE 169 SAF/MEME 6531 Annexin V assay _N.Joglekar
CBE 170 SAFMM6549 Use and Maintenance of Vortex's
CBE 171 SAFMM6550 Use and Maintenance of Sanyo and Panosonic Incubators
CBE 172 SAFMM6552 Use and Maintenance of Heracell Incubators
CBE173 SAFMM6544 Use and Maintenance of the Nucleocounter
CBE 174 SAFMM6556 Use and Maintenance of Sonicating Water Baths
CBE175 SAFMM6551 Use and Maintenance of Galaxy 170R Incubator
CBE 176 SAFMM6553 Use and Maintenance of Manual Pipettes
CBE 177 SAFMM6555 Use and Maintenance of Electronic Pipettes and Pipette buoys
CBE 178 SAF/MM 6573 Using GrowDex beads as microcarriers for HEK293 cells_L.Barrett
SAFMM6605Use and maintenance of the Captair M321 chemical fume cupboard
CBE179SAF/MM6605 Use and maintenance of the Captair M321 Fume cupboard
CBE 181 SAF/MEME 6684 Use and Maintenance of the Applied Biosystems PCR System
CBE 182 SAF/MEME 6683 Use and Maintenance of the Flurostar and Teclan Plate Readers
CBE 183 SAF MEME 6688 Biofilm Staining _P.Kavari
CBE 184 SAFMEME6692 Use of Trypan blue in cell viability _N.Joglekar
CBE 185 SAFMEME6693 Use of DMSO_N.Joglekar
CBE 186 SAF MEME 6698 Use and Maintenance of the Guava ( ICF fluid and Sodium Hypochlorite)_N.Joglekar
CBE 187 SAFMEME6721ToolboxRA
CBE 188 SAFMEME 6720 Cell Cryopreservation
CBE189-SAF/MEME/6727 Use of Nikon Eclipse Ti Microscope and Olympus CKX41 inverted microscope
CBE190/SAF/MM/6576 - Lone working in the CBE for Nishant Joglekar
CBE 190 SAF/MEME/6749 Detecting Treg Cells following co-culture with CD4 T cells_N.Joglekar
CBE 191 SAF MEME 6750 Mitochondrial Assay using nucleocounter_N.Joglekar
CBE 192 Risk Assessment for Operation of Asymptote VIA Freeze Control Rate Freezer
CBE 193 SAF MEME 6780 Use of brightfield microscopes in the CBE
CBE 194 SAF MEME 6801 Use of aspiration pumps in the CBE
SAF MEME 6806 LDH viability assay - Maria P.
SAF MEME 6807 Live dead kit - Maria P.
CBE 197 SAF/MEME/6738 Use of Clean Air Fume Cupboard
CBE 198 SAF/MEME/6739 DNA and RNA Removal from decellularised samples_R.Toumpaniari
CBE 199 SAF/MEME/6741 Use of Paraffin wax dispenser
CBE 200 SAF/MEME/6742 Use of Thermo Scientific Digital Mounting bath
CBE 201 SAF/MEME/6743 Use of Thermo Scientific Slimline Hotplate
CBE 202 SAF/MEME/6744 Use of DAPI solution for Nuclei Visualisation_R.Toumpaniari
CBE 203 SAF/MEME/6745 Dehydration, deparaffinization and rehydration of tissue sections_R.Toumpaniari
CBE 204 SAF/MEME/6740 Paraffin embedding and sectioning _R.Toumpaniari
CBE 205 SAF/MEME/6812 Use and Maintenance of hot plate stirrers
CBE 206 SAF/MEME/6818 Use of Anti-Neu5GC Antibody kit_R.Toumpaniari
CBE207 SAF/MEME/6819 Mounting using Kaiser's glycerol gelatin for Microscopy_R.Toumpaniari
CBE 208 SAF/MEME/6846 Decellularisation Protocol 2 _R.Toumpaniari
CBE 86 Use and Maintenance of the Nikon Biostation
CBE 83 Use and Maintenance of the Biocool control rate freezer
CBE 71 Use and Maintenance of the Gonotec Osmometer
CBE 84 Use and Maintenance of the BD FACS Jazz Cell sorter
CBE 45 Vi cell Risk Assessment
CBE 53 Thermo Scientific Max Q shaker Incubator
Use and Transport of the 240L LN vessels
CBE 209 SAF/MEME6876 Rotary paper trimmer
CBE 210 SAF/MEME/ 6875 Use and Maintenance of the heat block
CBE 211 SAF MEME 6889 Decellularisation protocol
CBE 212 SAF/MEME 6886 PCR Experiment_N.Joglekar
SAFMEME 7008 Covering Operational Tasks during Christmas Shutdown
CBE 165 SAFMEME 6514 Fixing bio samples for histological processing using formaldehyde or formalin_R.Toumpaniari
CBE 214 SAFMEME7128 Haemocompatibility of laser-textured stainless steel_J.Dong
CBE 215 SAF MEME 7141 Investigation of the effect of cryopreservation on the differentiation ability of MSC_N.Joglekar
CBE 216 SAFMEME7135 Use of generator for back up power for cold storage
CBE 217 SAF MEME 7295 _Scale up of Megakarocytes _P.Holland
CBE378saf meme 7311 De-Solv-It® Sticky Stuff Remover aerosol COSHH-CBE-ApprovedFile
CBE 218 SAF/MEME/7519 Set up of dynamic flow assembly_Carmen Torres
CBE 219 Glucose monitoring device_Nick Spoor
CBE 220 SAFMEME 7616 Advion Mass Spectrometer _R.Dring
CBE 221 Safmeme7689 in conjunction with CBE BRA 183 Lone working for Dimitris Tampakis
CBE 222 SAFMEME 7746 Xcelligence _J.Harriman
CBE 223 SAF MEME 7789 _Pen Strep in media _ E.Knight
CBE 224 SAF MEME 7756 Lone Working Risk Assessment _E.Knight
CBE 225 SAF MEME 7755 RNA Extraction & qPCR_E.Knight
CBE 226 SAF MEME 7730 lone working risk assessment _T.Hardy
Porcine Dissection Part C projects _Sotiris Korossis
CBE 231 SAF MEME 7887 _WEllcome Trust Project_Janelle Tarum
CBE 233 SAF MEME 7897 Microfluidics device Everflow _J.Tarum
CBE 234 SAFMEME 7904 Proof of concept for seperation of young from old cells _O.Frost
CBE 235 SAF MEME 7841 Testing of porcine Mitral Valves _R.Rawla ( part C)
CBE 236 saf meme 7976 Emily Xiang lone working.pdf
CBE 238 SAFMEME 8153 Piezoelectric resonators_M.Tariq
CBE 239 SAFMEME Lone Working Risk Assessment_C.Torres
SAF MEME 8381 Lone Working Risk Assessment _J.Tarum
Autoclave Log Form
BSC Usage Record Form
Equipment Decontamination Form
Change Request Note
Permit to Work for Non CBE Staff/Students
Permit to Work for Maintenance staff/Contractors
CAPA guidance for cell culture contamination
Corrective and Preventative Action Procedure (CAPA) form
Cell Culture Contamination Investigation Form
Cryostorage Liquid Nitrogen Fill Log
FSOP008.1 Receipt & Acquisition of Potentially Hazardous Biological Materials
Risk Assessment Review Form
Risk Assessment Form
QS-Form Templates
CBE Exit Leavers form
FSOP026.1 Fume Cupboard log book
FSOP194 Leica Microtome Training Agreement
Lean SOP Template CBE
Shaking Incubator Manual ( T208b)
Captair M321 fume cupboard
Purite water purifier.
Tecan Infiniate 200 Plate Reader T208b
Honda EU Operating InstructionsLPGsupplementarysheetforGX690
Ohaus-1450-SD-Series Instruction Manual
Elga water purifier option S7/15
Cryobank allocation map
Change Request Notes
Pro-Curo Standard Operating Procedure
Pro-curo Supplier Manual
Chemical Safety Quiz
Chemical storage
Gas Cylinders
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 2008
Relevant University Policies
Example Risk Assessments
Internal Mycoplasma Testing Results
External Mycoplamsa Testing Results
CBE Booking Template
Example of CBE Booking
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Mental Health Support Resources and Contacts
Stress Bucket
Sustainable Labcycling Equipment Transfer Form
A guide to Sustainable Lab Operations _ToolBox Talk _LEAF
Near Miss Reporting Presentation _K.Smith
Risk Assessment Guidance Presentation_K.Smith
University Code of Practice for Bio labs
University Biological Safety Training for Laboratory users
HTA Disposal Forms ►