Topic outline
Welcome to the CBE Safety Induction Training
In order for you to be able to be given authorised access to the CBE CL2 laboratories ( including T208 in the Wolfson School) you will need to complete the training induction.
One of the first things that needs to be done is to arrange a meeting between you, your supervisor and one of the laboratory managers. At this meeting we can discuss your project, the risk assessments you need to complete and the training you require.
There are several elements to this which are listed in the checklist.
All the training materials , including the training record, can be found in this section.
Order of events for training:
i)Initial meeting
ii)Start to complete first two pages of the Training Record
iii)Read the Mandatory Standard Operating Procedures/Risk Assessment and other relevant documentation
iv)Watch the Risk Assessment training presentation ( Do not watch as slide show due to attached notes for the slides)
v)Watch the CBE Safety Training Induction presentation ( Do not watch as a slide show due to attached notes for the slides)
vi)Attend the practical Training ( date will be arranged at initial meeting)
v) CBE induction Training quiz
You must get 80% to pass the quiz so it is very important you carefully watch the presentation, listen carefully during the practical training and read all the recommended reading material given.
vi)Submit Training file to lab manager
vii)Attend CBE Procedures workshop with one of the lab managers ( date will be arranged and be communicated to you)
Welcome to the CBE Safety Training
Training record for all new staff/students who wish to obtain authorisation to work in the CL2 CBE labs.
These are the SOPS and Risk Assessments you need to read as part of the CBE safety induction Training .
If you will be working with the cryostores/Liquid Nitrogen you MUST read the Risk Assessment and SOP.
If you will be working with the Autoclaves you must read the risk assessment and SOPs.
You also need to read the University Biological Safety Policy . Here is the link : Biological Safety Policy | Health and Safety Service | Loughborough University
CBE Safety Induction Training presentation
This is a power-point presentation which covers various aspects of safety induction training and local procedures for the Centre for Biological Engineering Containment Level 2 Laboratories.
You need to watch the presentation carefully but you can watch it as many times as you like.
You need to ensure you also attend the practical training before attempting the quiz.
It will take around 45/60 minutes to watch to ensure you digest all the information so please allow yourself enough time.
There are notes to accompany some of the slides in the presentation so please watch in a format which allows you to see them as you look at the slides.
Guidance on different types of Risk Assessments in the CBE -
Receive a grade Receive a passing grade
CBE Induction Training Quiz.
Based on the CBE Training and SOPS.
Please ensure you have watched the CBE induction presentation, read the relevant SOPS and attended the practical training before you attempt the quiz.
The Quiz will be opened once the scheduled training has been completed.
You must get 80% to pass
If you do not obtain 80% please ensure you watch the presentation again or re-read the SOPs before you attempt the quiz again.
Guidance for completing the safety documentation ( Process Risk Assessments and COSHH)
Information that aids in the safe use of equipment.