On Monday 29th July, Lynda.com will be upgraded to LinkedIn Learning (with Lynda.com content).
This means that resources on Lynda.com will not be available during the day. When the upgrade is complete, all your learning activity and history will be seamlessly transferred to LinkedIn Learning. After the upgrade is completed, you’ll receive an email to activate your LinkedIn Learning account. During the activation process, you will have the option to connect a LinkedIn profile to your LinkedIn Learning account. This is not required in order to access LinkedIn Learning, but if you wish to connect your LinkedIn profile then you can do this. No data from your LinkedIn profile is shared with the University.
All Lynda.com content will be transferred to LinkedIn Learning, and you will still be able to access all of the courses that you have already taken as well as find new courses. If you sign in to Lynda.com after the upgrade, you will be automatically redirected to LinkedIn Learning.