Let’s start by exploring some commonly held beliefs around the presentation, occurrence and causes of eating problems among athletes.
You can tell if an athlete has an eating disorder just by looking at them.
Is this statement true or false?
This isn’t true. Individuals with eating problems come in all shapes and sizes. Thus, the weight of an individual or their outward appearance may not be a good indicator of the presence of an eating disorder. We will discuss some of the alternative signs and symptoms of eating disorders later on in the course.
You are correct - this is false. Individuals with eating problems come in all shapes and sizes. Thus, the weight of an individual or their outward appearance may not be a good indicator of the presence of an eating disorder. We will discuss some of the alternative signs and symptoms of eating disorders later on in the course.
Eating disorders are caused by involvement in sport.
Is this statement true or false?
This isn’t true for the vast majority. Only a small percentage of athletes and individuals involved in sport will develop an eating disorder. Eating disorders are serious illnesses that have biological, genetic and psychological underpinnings. Certain aspects of sport may elicit eating problems among vulnerable individuals. However, it is important to remember that eating disorders are usually the result of lots of different causes, risk factors and events, rather than one isolated trigger. For the vast majority of people, sport is a very positive experience. We will discuss the different causes of eating disorders later on in the course.
You are correct - this isn’t true for the vast majority. Only a small percentage of athletes and individuals involved in sport will develop an eating disorder. Eating disorders are serious illnesses that have biological, genetic and psychological underpinnings. Certain aspects of sport may elicit eating problems among vulnerable individuals. However, it is important to remember that eating disorders are usually the result of lots of different causes, risk factors and events, rather than one isolated trigger. For the vast majority of people, sport is a very positive experience. We will discuss the different causes of eating disorders later on in the course.
Male athletes do not get eating disorders.
Is this statement true or false?
This isn’t true. Actually, around 8% of male elite athletes could have a diagnosis of an eating disorder. Men are as equally likely as women to have some types of eating disorders. We will discuss the differences between eating disorders in male and female athletes later on in the course.
You are correct - this isn’t true. Actually, around 8% of male elite athletes could have a diagnosis of an eating disorder. Men are as equally likely as women to have some types of eating disorders. We will discuss the differences between eating disorders in male and female athletes later on in the course.
Athletes with eating problems won’t be able to perform properly.
Is this statement true or false?
This isn’t true. In fact, in the early stages of an eating problem, the performance level of some athletes actually improves. However, it is often short-lived. As the severity of the eating disorder increases, athletes will find it difficult to maintain their training level due to their eating disorder, and it is likely that their performance level will then decrease. Athletes with eating disorders are also more vulnerable to illness and injuries. We will discuss some of the signs that you can look out for among your athletes.
You are correct - this isn’t true. In fact, in the early stages of an eating problem, the performance level of some athletes actually improves. However, it is often short-lived. As the severity of the eating disorder increases, athletes will find it difficult to maintain their training level due to their eating disorder, and it is likely that their performance level will then decrease. Athletes with eating disorders are also more vulnerable to illness and injuries. We will discuss some of the signs that you can look out for among your athletes.