Design & Tech CAD

Level 1 Modelling

Level 2 Modelling

Level 3 Modelling


Engineering Drawings

CNC Machining





Alias Image Studio





Arbortext IsoDraw - Technical Illustration


This software has two elements;  CAD Process for converting 3D files into technical illustrations, and the IsoDraw core functionality for creating 2D line work.


  • Open 3D model

  • Orient model

  • [Maybe] Explode parts

  • Convert to 2D

  • [Maybe] Create connection lines, annotation etc.

  • Preview

  • Export to bitmap

Shortcut keys

1 select tool
X, Y, Z select csys vector for dragging, rotating etc.
R Rotate Tool
ctrl K on/off - preview - after converting to 2D


Ctrl O - open asm/part file - only native ProE part files in this version, not ProE assemblies.  Export assemblies from ProE as STEP/IGES

Make sure Select Assemblies is unchecked


To show assembly structure for easier part selection:

Window > Show object window

For navigation around the sheet:

Window > Navigator


Change to Wireframe for better edge selection

Window > Projection > Isometric view - to establish initial view



To rotate

Use Select & Manipulation Tool [1] to select axis in csys or use the 3D Select Axis tool to select an edge

Use the Rotate Tool [r], shift and click in graphics area to activate angle control.


To move on sheet

As above select csys axis or edge to show movement vector

Use Select & Manipulation Tool [1], select the part and drag. Crtl A to select all parts


** Save as an .iso file before continuing to 2D ** - File > Revert to revert back to the 3D file for changes positioning, orientation, etc


Change to 2D - Convert to 2D illustration tool

Experiment with the Thin line threshold - Revert to try different levels

Ctrl K to Preview


If there are too many tangent surface patch edges - see image at the top of this page - you might want to delete some lines.  First you need to ungroup the image:

Select the objects > Element > Ungroup

This may have to be applied a couple of times to progressively break down into the smallest elements, these are then pickable and can be deleted

To change a line thickness, select the line and then select the appropriate pen.

Dbl click pen to change line thickness


Line 'shadows'

Use the line tool to create dashed connecting lines between exploded parts

For when you've created a connection line which overlaps other entities - view in

preview mode - Ctrl K



Standard Parts Library including posed hands and tools:

Window > Show Library


When you've finished manipulating your image, File > export as a vector or pixel image.



Parts Library:

3D import vid:




Photoshop Tutorials:


Loughborough Design School© Sean Kerslake 2011