Design & Tech CAD

Level 1 Modelling

Introduction to 3D CAD     modelling
Design Intent
Intro to Creo through
  the Extrude feature

Editing the Model
Managing the Model
Robust Modelling
Swept Blend
Engineering Features
Edit Features

Reference Geometry
Helical Sweep

Level 2 Modelling

Level 3 Modelling


Engineering Drawings

CNC Machining





Robust Modelling 

In a design environment it is very rare that a model is built and then never changed, products will go through many iterations at the development stage and during the lifecycle of the product once it is manufactured

Don't worry too much about how long it takes to build a model, more importantly, consider how long it will take to modify it - again and again and again and.....  When you do modify your model, will everything update nicely or does the whole thing fall over and fail?

Don't be afraid to test your model, change dimensions, change references and see what happens - make sure you save it first!

Modelling Strategy

When visualising part of a product we tend to see it as a complete form.  Prototyping will tend to be a subtractive process where we start with a lump of material and remove material to create the desired shape.  3D CAD on the other hand

Efficient Modelling



Loughborough Design School© Sean Kerslake 2011